
Is Refinancing Your Equipment A Good Idea? 2 Good Reasons To Consider It


Did you invest in equipment for your business a while ago and are now wondering if refinancing is an option? Refinancing enables you to redo the loan with different terms and conditions that may be better for you. For example, if your credit score needed to be in better shape when you first received a loan for your equipment, you may have accepted an offer for a loan with higher interest rates.

26 October 2022

Why Businesses Should Have A Working Capital Loan In Place


Many businesses find themselves in a tough spot when they need money to help grow their company. They may have an idea that has the potential to make them millions, but they do not have the necessary funds to get it off of the ground. If you're one of them, a working capital loan can help you. This article discusses why every business should invest in this loan. Long and Short-Term Options

28 September 2021